Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Soto Daging

Soto daging use beef instead of chicken and some people tend to call this food with Soto Daging Madura since they believe that it was invited in Madura, Small Island in the north-east of East Java.

Beside the meat, the seller will add other part of cow’s organ such as: kidney, liver, lungs, stomach, and intestine. To make it complete they will add boiled egg as well. The soup looks yellow clear color because of tumeric roots.

Where to find:

Soto Daging Gubeng Pojok
For me, this is the best. The taste is so original as long as I know the seller is Maduranesse, the meat is so tender and the soup is very tasty. You can find the location at Jalan Kusuma Bangsa north side of Surabaya, they got the name Gubeng Pojok because originally their business is located at Gubeng Pojok street before the government relocated all the house for street improvement.

Soto Daging Wawan
The nice thing of Soto Daging Wawan is the availability, you cand find it at almost location in Surabaya, the owner Wawan has built this strategy and personally that amazed me.

Soto Daging Pandaan
Its located just near the gas station before entering Pandaan city, at the intersection to Tretes or new bypass. This is not a big place, small but clean and the soto have real Soto taste.

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